Mental health benefits to exercising

Exercising is not just for losing weight, toning or to build muscle. It is not just for sports competitions or for aesthetic reasons. It is also for mental health reasons. Although people may not exercise for their mental health there are a variety of mental health benefits to exercising.

Self-esteem & Confidence

Exercising can improve your overall confidence. For example, if you try a new sport, the more you practise, the more confident you will become in yourself and ability. The same goes with working out at the gym. Although entering a new gym environment can be daunting, putting your music in and tuning out can be a great feeling. Not only this, but the more you go, the more comfortable you will begin to feel. Setting goals and targets for yourself (within reason) can help you feel good about yourself when you achieve them. Even if it is something as simple as increasing the reps you do per session.


Exercising, whether this is at the gym or playing a sport, releases a hormone called endorphins. Endorphins create an overall good feeling within yourself. Although gaining the strength and courage to exercise may be difficult, most people would say that once they have completed their workout they feel good due to this hormone.

Stress & sleep

Exercising can be a good way to reduce stress. If you have something you are currently stressing about, exercising can be a great distraction from it. It is a good way to let off steam from a stressful day or week. You are putting your negative energy into something else. Furthermore, tiring yourself out from the gym will hopefully improve your overall sleeping pattern.

Hopefully these points will help you understand that exercising has mental health benefits to it as well as the common physical benefits.