3 reasons why you’re not seeing results

Your fitness journey is likely to be a rollercoaster. Although most people begin working out to ‘achieve’ a particular body type, whether this is to gain muscle, lose fat, tone up, the journey is not always linear. Here are 3 reasons why you’re not seeing results.

1) Inconsistency

This is a big one. If you attend the gym 3 times a week for 3 weeks and then stop going for 2 weeks, then your progress will likely take longer than someone who is consistent. This is not to say you have to spend your whole life in the gym. However, it is good to have a consistent routine. For example, starting off attending the gym twice a week and increasing it to 3 times after 8 weeks. This will allow you to get used to attending the gym, instead of jumping straight into it.

2) Type of exercise

Depending on your goals, the type of exercise you are performing could affect your progress. If you are looking to gain weight and muscle, but you are dedicating your time to cardiovascular workouts, then you will not necessarily see the progress you want. It is also good to plan out your exercises. This way you know what you are going to work on when you enter the gym.

3) Nutrition

Last, but not least, nutrition. Nutrition will always play a major part in your fitness journey. If you are looking to gain weight, you will need to ensure that you are consuming more calories than you are burning. If you are trying to lose weight, you will need to have a calorie deficit. This is a when you consume less than what your body expends. It is important that you are eating a balanced diet. A good guideline of what food you should consume on a day-to-day basis is the Eatwell Guide.

Hopefully these tips will help you on your fitness journey 🙂
