What is hypertrophy?

What is hypertrophy?

Hypertrophy is when people train to increase the size of their muscles. It is often used by a variety of gym-goers who are looking to increase their size. For example, this may be for aesthetic reasons or sports reasons.

How do I achieve hypertrophy?

In order to increase your muscle size, you will need to overload your progression. You should also be lifting weights that are 75%-85% of your one rep max and performing the exercise for 6-10 reps and 3-6 sets. You will then want to rest 1-2 minutes between each set. If you can easily perform an exercise for 12 reps, then you will need to increase the weight. Ensure you give your muscles 48 hours of rest before working them again.

You will need to ensure that you are consuming enough calories to build this muscle. Protein is key. You can use apps to track your calorie intake. Ensure you have a balanced diet. You can find more information on what consists of a balanced diet using the Eat Well Guide.

What training method should I use?

There is no one singular training method that you should use. You have multiple options and if you are someone like me who gets bored easily, you could always try to switch it up now and then. It is recommended you stick to a schedule for at least 4 weeks before changing the routine. This allows your body to get used to the exercises.

The most common and well known method would be multisets. This involves performing the same exercise, with the same weight, for several sets and having a break in between each set. If you are beginner, i’d recommend this. Otherwise you could try methods such as supersets or drop sets.


Hopefully this helps. As always, remember to be easy on yourself. It is okay to take a break from training and to eat unhealthily at times. Achieving your fitness goals can take time and the most important thing is to be patient with yourself.