Lower ab exercises to tone your stomach

You may be someone with extra fat around your lower abdominal. This is also referred to as your ‘fupa’. It is a stubborn area and difficult to get rid of. Although it is completely natural and normal to have fat in this area, many people want to know how they can get rid of it. One way to reduce the fat within this area is to do lower ab exercises to tone your stomach.

You will need to ensure you are exercising regularly. You will also need to maintain a healthy diet in order to achieve the goals to desire. This should hopefully allow you to reduce your fat in your lower abdominals.

You might be thinking, what lower ab exercises can help tone your stomach? Well there is not one chosen exercise to do. There are several exercises you can do that will target your lower abdominals. Here are 4 exercises that I recommend.

1) Butterly kicks

Lay on your back and lift your legs up and down, one at a time. Ensure you back remains on the ground whilst performing this exercises and have your hands next to your hips.

2) Mountain climbers

Have your feet and hands on the floor with your stomach facing the floor. Ensure your whole body (apart from your hands and feet) are off of the floor. Bring your knees in towards your chest in a fast pace. Continue this movement until the time is up.

3) Up and down leg

Start off with your back flat on the floor and your legs out straight. Lift both legs up towards the ceiling whilst keeping your back on the ground. Slowly lower your legs again and repeat. For more of a challenge, try not to put your feet on the ground in-between reps.

4) Plank

The plank will target your entire core. It is very beneficial to increase strength in your core as well as help tone your lower abdominal. To perform the plank, you will need to place both forearms on the floor and have your whole body off of the ground, apart from your feet. Keep your hips down and your core engaged.

As long as you continue to exercise and have a healthy diet, you should slowly see a change in your body.
