How to keep your fitness New Years resolution

If you are anything like me, you may struggle to keep your New Years resolution in a matter of weeks. This is particularly frustrating when it is something you may want to change about yourself. A common theme for a resolution is usually fitness related, such as to join a gym, get fitter overall or eat healthier. I am going to share with you several ideas on how to keep your New Years fitness resolution.

1) Plan ahead

Decide a few days before that you will go to the gym, exercise or eat healthier. This could either be writing out what workouts you will consist of, meal prepping and putting your gym clothes out for when you first wake up. This will help you remain motivated to actually perform the action as you do not have to think much about it on the day.

2) Have someone hold you accountable

Telling a friend or family member could help you maintain your New Years resolution. If this is not enough, have them hold you accountable. For example, every time you do not go to the gym when you say you will, you have to buy a friend lunch. This may motivate you, as eventually, that money will build up.

3) Buddy-up

If you know someone who has a similar resolution to you, buddy-up with them. For example, if your goal is to lose weight through exercising, go to the gym with your buddy. You may feel more comfortable knowing someone is doing it with you.

4) Routine

It can take a few months before a habit is formed so creating a routine and sticking with it is necessary. You need to ensure the change in your routine is gradual and not too extreme too quickly as you may give up faster. For example, if you are exercising, perhaps choose a time of day to exercise and stick to it. This could be exercising at lunch or straight after work. Try to also choose particular days. If you aren’t used to exercising try not to tell yourself you’ll go everyday. Maybe start with 2 days a week and build it up gradually.

Hopefully these tips will help you remain motivated to keep your fitness New Years resolution! 🙂