How to get rid of your fupa

What is a Fupa?

If you have come onto this page it is because you are wondering how to get rid of your fupa. But what is a fupa? The fupa refers to your lower abdominal fat. Some people may store fat in this area more so than others, however, it is completely normal.

Just because you have a fupa, it does not necessarily mean you are overweight or unhealthy. It is quite a difficult area of fat to reduce and will take time and discipline to reduce it.

1) Nutrition

As mentioned before, your fupa is basically just extra fat. If you would like to reduce it, then changing your nutrition may be necessary. If you find yourself eating more fatty foods, then you will need to reduce this intake, alongside sugary foods/drinks. If you are aiming to lose weight, you may need to have a calorie deficit. This involves eating less calories compared to your energy expenditure. Try to ensure your diet is balanced and you are consuming all of the necessary foods for a healthy diet.

2) Exercise

Of course I am going to mention exercise (it’s a fitness website so no surprise there). Now, if you wish to lose weight, you will need to start exercising, if you do not already. However, I would recommend focusing on toning through resistance training, not just focusing on cardio. Contrary to belief, resistance training also helps lose fat, not just building muscle.

Strengthening your core may also help reduce your fupa. To do this you will also need to incorporate abdominal exercises, such as bicycle crunches, planks and mountain climbers to your routine. Alternatively, you could attend classes at your local gym for sessions such as pilates.

3) Other

If you exercise regularly and your nutrition is good, then perhaps consider speaking to a professional regarding your concern on how to reduce the fat within this area. It could just be that your genetic stores your fat within this area more so than other areas of your body.

Your fupa is normal. Having a flat stomach is not the only thing you should concentrate on when it comes to fitness. Remember that your fitness journey takes time and remember to stay consistent.